Cooling, air conditioning, and thermoregulation since 1963
Technology and innovation from 1963 until today
We continually improve our products to ensure utmost client satisfaction
Since 1963, the year the business was founded, the company’s headquarters have always been located in Italy, in the outskirts of Milan. Today, our ambition is to become a market leader for chillers with natural refrigerant (propane): as such, we are helping the industry to become more efficient, preserve natural resources and protect the environment.
Italian Organisation
Constant quality
A team of professionals always at the service of our clients
We continuously support our clients with specific services tailored to their needs
Webservice- 24/7 web portal
Designed and developed with specific skills in mind, “webservice” is a web portal allowing the client or service centre to access the detailed documentation of each single machine: assembly drawings, wiring diagrams, spare parts lists, order confirmations, instruction manuals, declarations of conformity and much more still. The information is therefore always up to date and available, even when the person is physically located at the installation site.

wEKool - Product Selection Software

After-Sales Service
Our organisation has an internal department dedicated to providing after-sales technical assistance, able to offer a high number of services, including:
- Online technical service
- Spare parts service
- Technical call-outs
- Scheduled maintenance service
- Training courses for Clients
- Training courses for Service Centres
- Third parties
Spare Parts Warehouse

- promotion of natural refrigerants
- maximisation of energy efficiency
- promotion of a sustainable approach to energy consumption
Insofar as a member, Euroklimat supports Green Cooling Initiative and its efforts to promote natural refrigerants and protect the environment, resources, and climate.